Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cut & Save Liberals

For no particular reason, I thought I'd share this comment I wrote elsewhere, addressing a conservative who actually still remembers that he doesn't like Medicare, yet imagines we're going to kill all the old people to save money.

And seriously, you guys ranted for years about our Tax & Spend tendencies and how we never saw a tax dollar we didn't want to spend. Now you're worried that we'll cut spending in a way that kills voters? Not bloody likely. We'd sell military secrets to the Chinese before we cut spending on seniors.


AmPowerBlog said...

Take a break for a while, Biobrain. You keep getting your ass handed to you.

Kevin Robbins said...

Thanks Don, that adds almost as much to the discussion as rozydesouza does.

Doctor Biobrain said...

Donald, that's NOT my ass and I'd appreciate it if you kept your teabagging to yourself.

Seriously though, I can't imagine what you thought to accomplish by writing this. While I keep trying to encourage you to write more and quote less, you're trying to get me to stop writing. I wonder why that would be...