Monday, August 25, 2008

Spiteful Democrats for McCain

I am an Obama-loving, McCain-bashing longtime liberal Democrat, which means that my negative opinion of McCain is much less important than the opinion of a Democrat who now supports McCain out of spite. I mean sure, my opinion is rational, consistent, and educated; but...there are lots of people who agree with me. The Spiteful McCain Democrats, on the other hand, are such a small group that McCain's stuck highlighting one who is only famous for being an anomaly. And that makes her opinion much more important than someone like me, who is representative of millions of people. That's just common sense.

Some day, our media will be run by responsible individuals who take pride in reporting real news, and then the Republicans are going to be totally screwed. Some day...


John of the Dead said...

I find it terribly ironic that Obama supporters were accused of being part of a cult of personality during the primaries, when it is now patently obvious that the Hilary dead-enders are the ones caught up in the personality cult.

Then again, without the phoney, manufactured "Democrats Divided!" story, the media might have to actually cover the events, with, like, facts and things, which as we all know are bad for ratings.

Anonymous said...


I remember hearing a song on the radio once when I was working on a movie in Chicago. It went like this:

Someday...there will be world peace
Someday....all men will be as one
Someday....there will be a cure for cancer
Someday.... Someday the Cubs will win the world series....

Well, I hate to tell you this, but the Cubs will win the Super Bowl before the U.S. media grows up.

Doctor Biobrain said...

Well, I hate to tell you this, but the Cubs will win the Super Bowl before the U.S. media grows up.

Hey, a boy can dream...

Doctor Biobrain said...

John - The whole thing with the Cult of Obama totally got it wrong. We didn't love him because he's Barack Obama. We loved him because he said and did what we've always said a Democratic nominee should do and say. Sure, he had a lot of natural appeal on his own, but it was the brains we loved best. Mmmm, brains.

But the Hillary supporters were just stuck in a timewarp, where they reflexively defended someone they had been trained to defend. She was a dog-whistle choice that would have had us all refighting the impeachment and all that other crap from the 90's. Her supporters couldn't help themselves. They heard the Clinton rallying cry and were pulled into supporting her without giving it two thoughts.

(Not that you heard any of that from me, as we're all in this together. (God damn did the primary fights suck, what, with always having to apologize and double-talk with each attack.))