Thursday, September 04, 2008

Ahh, Freedom

It's odd, but I have become totally excited about the whole Palin selection. Finally, a target I can believe in. And with it, I have become obsessed with RedState's obsession of Palin. I guess it's because a McCain loss wouldn't have proven anything as he shouldn't have been there in the first place, but to see a hot new conservative star getting bounced by the American people has just the right amount of cognitive dissonance for these people that it makes it fun to watch their brains explode.

And so it is, when free-market, freedom-fighters write things like:
Please consider doing this: When you go to the grocery story this week, pick up a couple of copies of Us Weekly and deposit them on the shelves where the toilet paper is located.

I guess freedom is not only not free, but you've got to go to the TP aisle just to find it. Redstate: Fighting freedom one magazine at a time.

(I should mention that while I don't actually approve of tabloid-style journalism like what's on that Us Weekly cover, I also don't approve of fascist anti-capitalist vengeance or of deciding for others what they should be allowed to read. If you don't like it, don't buy it. That's what America's about, my friends.)

1 comment:

repsac3 said...

I also don't approve of fascist anti-capitalist vengeance or of deciding for others what they should be allowed to read

I've been reading about Sarah's penchant for censorship in AK, so perhaps keeping folks from reading the "wrong" materials isn't as far afield as most of us here in the US would like to think it is (or at least, should be).

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -