Friday, January 29, 2010

Hopelessly Out of Touch

When did this happen?
Republicans delight in depicting President Barack Obama as hopelessly out of touch with average Americans, but the decision by the Republican National Committee to hold its winter meeting at a tropical resort is turning the accusation on its head.
I'm not sure I've seen anything remotely out of touch or elitist about Obama, while Republicans have been the party of Wall Street for decades upon decades, while its policy ideas are mired in an imaginary foundation that Reagan supposedly established thirty years ago and serve no practical purpose.  The bible has more relevant answers to our modern problems than these dummies do and the damn thing was written two thousand years ago by desert-dwellers who didn't even know what bacteria was.

So why does it take a dumb trip to Hawaii to turn the "out of touch" meme on its head?  Dude, Republicans were out of touch when Hoover ignored the greatest economic crisis in our country's history and they haven't looked back.  Hell, they still defend Hoover's policies.  Calling Republicans out of touch is like calling Lawrence Welk "old school."  Yet Politico is acting like this is something new.  As if they hadn't noticed that the Republican solution to our economic woes are tax cuts and deregulation for the rich...which also happens to be their cure for healthcare, poverty, crime, and the flu.  In fact, the only time they're not trying to help the rich is when they're helping the super-rich; which is most of the time.  This isn't something new.

But of course, Politico's idea for this is no better.  Sure, Republicans have no practical solutions of any merit as they don't even understand why they need to solve any problems, but...if they could hold their meetings in a crappy place like Baltimore, particularly during crappy weather; the optics would be gold.  And that's what it's all about with these dummies.  Apparently, it was a big negative for Obama to vacation in Hawaii, but now that Republicans are having a "meeting" there, it all evens out.  Finally, the Dems can level the playing field with their Average Joe breathren across the aisle.

And of course, that's where the joke is in all this: The only way the Republican Party could ever look in-touch is by comparison with the nitwit media.  And just in case any of my loyal readers are Baltimorians, I'm sure you have a fine city.  I just thought it was funny the way Politico used Baltimore as if it's the anti-Hawaii; a place so crappy it makes Republican policies more palatable if they're discussed there.  And yeah, the fact that I comfortably wore shorts outside today apparently makes me an out-of-touch elitist who doesn't understand the problems of real Americans.  What a bunch of bozos.


Unknown said...

As a loyal reader, I feel it's my duty to inform you that we denizens of Mobtown aka Charm City call ourselves "Baltimorons".

Doctor Biobrain said...

Sorry ljdramone, I stand corrected.