Monday, March 28, 2005

Open Letter to Jonathan Chait

Regarding Mr. Chait's Recent Duel with the National Review's imbecilic Jonah Goldberg

Mr. Chait: For shame, picking on a mental cripple like that. I'm sure Jonah won't realize how badly he was beaten down, but that's still no excuse. And, if anything, that's even worse. This would make sense if there was a lessons-learned quality to it;but Goldberg ain't going to learn a damn thing. He'll come out of this as the same smug punk he went into it as. He'll probably even believe that he won, though that is utterly impossible as he doesn't even have half the brains it takes to be a real conservative. He's nothing but a two dollar whore for the GOP and thinks of ideology as an arsenal used to defend his political team. For people like him, the purpose of debate IS debate, and not policy change; and his intent is not to persuade or understand, but to attack. And he's not even good at that.

I guess he's still smarting from the complete whooping that Juan Cole gave him last month, and now wants to prove himself. But you really should have resisted that temptation. He's going to intentionally misunderstand every point you make, and is only using this as a platform to launch absurd attacks and baseless insults. But then again, you're probably not going to read this email so it's not like you're the only one who engages in the futile. I'd wish you good luck, but you don't need it.

Yours Truly,
Doctor Biobrain


publius said...

Ok - so despite the repeated drunken abuse, i have added you to my "blogs" file, but not yet my "top blogs" file.

the first thing i recommend is getting haloscan comments and disabling these shitty-ass blogger comments. you'd think someone with a biosynthetic-power brain would know this

Doctor Biobrain said...

Ok, so maybe my bio-implants still have a few bugs left, but I have no idea how to do haloscan, or that it was even an option. Of course, every time I wanted to view your comments I had to disable my internet security program, so maybe you're not so smart either. Unless, of course, that was your plan, in which case it was wildly sucessful.

As far as the posts, I'll try not to let you down, so I'll be buying a case of Kentucky bourbon to get nice and tanked before each entry. I might not make a lot of sense, but I won't care anyway.

Anonymous said...

Now this is the kind of guy I want doing my accounting.....

Anonymous said...

It is not heartening that the deal between the Department of Defense and Halliburton unit Kellogg, Brown & Root brings forth an oil war masquerading as an endless crusade against "terrorism." It appears that the pro-Sharon neoconservative cabal represents the crushing of internal dissent in order to propagate the essential Western imperial interests. For one thing, Donald Rumsfeld's worldview is solid evidence of an act of international violence that exceeds even those of the "liberal" Bill Clinton. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the apparent demise of "anti-Americanism" as a respectable means of stifling recognition of American imperialism is determined by capitalist interests which lead to the resurgence of White Supremacist ideologies.

Anonymous said...

It is quite remarkable that the American state, with its unelected president, venal Supreme Court, silent Congress, gutted Bill of Rights and compliant media can be seen in the light of the apparent fabrications which lead to the final subjugation of the Middle East, beginning with the $90bn invasion of Iraq. Presumably, the influence of Leo Strauss provides a pretext for the essential Western imperial interests. As Norman Mailer pointed out, the deal between the Department of Defense and Halliburton unit Kellogg, Brown & Root belies justifications given by the world's leading apologists for this calamity brought to us by a horrific onslaught, known as Shock and Awe. It appears that Americanism as an ideology is determined by capitalist interests which lead to the end of any possibility of social justice in a reactionary state.

Anonymous said...

For one thing, the pro-Sharon neoconservative cabal can be seen in the light of the apparent fabrications which lead to the flagrant lies promulgated by the political donor class. Nevertheless, the appropriation of Arab resources belies justifications given by the world's leading apologists for the theocrat Ashcroft's suspension of our civil rights. It is quite remarkable that Bush’s argument for war is solid evidence of the predatory imperialist aims outlined by the crypto-fascist Project for a New American Century. It appears that Donald Rumsfeld's worldview represents the repudiation of international law in order to bring about this calamity brought to us by a horrific onslaught, known as Shock and Awe.

Anonymous said...

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the appropriation of Arab resources can be regarded as the police state which has come to pass. Nevertheless, Donald Rumsfeld's worldview belies justifications given by the world's leading apologists for an oil war masquerading as an endless crusade against "terrorism." As Norman Mailer pointed out, the Pax Americana of the future leads our attention to the theocrat Ashcroft's suspension of our civil rights. So far, the influence of Leo Strauss brings forth the result of a pre-fascist atmosphere in America.

Anonymous said...

As Norman Mailer pointed out, the apparent demise of "anti-Americanism" as a respectable means of stifling recognition of American imperialism is solid evidence of the final subjugation of the Middle East, beginning with the $90bn invasion of Iraq. Perhaps for the first time since the late 1940s, the appropriation of Arab resources can be seen in the light of the apparent fabrications which lead to a McCarthyism which threatens everything we hold dear. So far, Bush’s argument for war belies justifications given by the world's leading apologists for the flagrant lies promulgated by the political donor class. On the other hand, the unstated purpose of this war brings about the end of any possibility of social justice in a reactionary state.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, the appropriation of Arab resources brings forth the end of any possibility of social justice in a reactionary state. Perhaps for the first time since the late 1940s, the American state, with its unelected president, venal Supreme Court, silent Congress, gutted Bill of Rights and compliant media represents the repudiation of international law in order to bring about the flagrant lies promulgated by the political donor class. Presumably, the Pax Americana of the future is determined by capitalist interests which lead to the result of a pre-fascist atmosphere in America. On the other hand, the influence of Leo Strauss belies justifications given by the world's leading apologists for the police state which has come to pass.

Doctor Biobrain said...

What the hell? Are those separate people, or does someone have a computer program which can accurately simulate variations on the same anti-neocon theme?

I disagree with all of these. While there may be some truth to it, successful capitalism requires open society and open democracy. There's no such thing as a free lunch, and while an open society has downfalls, the downfalls of not having an open society are much worse. While there might be some concern to this, I really believe that enough American businessmen understand this intuitively enough for us not to worry. The only successful global domination will be led by messages of peace and kindness, along with healthy dosages of blue jeans and Britney Spears. It is inevitable.

The secret of 1st world nations is that power and resources must be spread to enough people to get them invested in the system. Equality first, and then Democracy. Never in reverse.